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Bathroom Remodel Jacksonville, FL, For Your Best Bathroom Ever

Unlike other rooms in the home, bathrooms do not often undergo many cosmetic and structural changes. This is perfectly understandable as homeowners cannot easily move their bathroom fixtures and furniture around. And doing so requires lots of elbow grease and a plumbing license. Perhaps the only few things a homeowner can do to change anything in their bathroom include adding or removing small or portable items and painting its walls. Because of these limitations, bathrooms are often the most outdated spaces in the home. However, this can change now that the experts of Bathroom Remodel Jacksonville are around!

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The Top Ideas for Your Mirrored Bathroom in Jacksonville, FL

The perfect mirror is the most important thing you need in your mirrored bathroom in Jacksonville, FL. Aside from its functionality, the right bathroom mirror can make a room feel larger and brighter, and a statement mirror can add a stunning finishing touch to your overall design. But, because there are so many to select from, we've put together a list of the top ideas for bathroom mirrors to help you choose the one that's right for you!

Mirrored Bathroom Jacksonville FL
  • Play with shapes. No matter how round or square your bathroom vanity mirrors are, they can be in any shape that suits your personality! Don't be afraid to express yourself. You can make a statement about your preference rather than just what is hot or popular by using a heart-shaped mirror in your honeymoon bedroom or an ornately decorated oval in your guest bath.

  • Mix and match. For a distinctive look in your bathroom, it is a good idea to have a single huge center mirror above your sink, but smaller mirrors of various sizes and shapes can be both elegant and functional. Also, you can gather a couple of multiple bathroom vanity mirrors and sizes and hang them. To avoid a funhouse look, place them in a gallery-wall-style arrangement on the same wall. Look for ways to mix and match the mirrors in the bathroom. If the mirrors are competing, you don't want them to be in a squabble.

  • Double up your bathroom vanity mirrors. Why not make a mirror that has the same spectacular effect as your own? Get two or three huge mirrors and hang them over your large vanity, or spread them evenly for a better reflection, instead of one large mirror. If you have a large bathroom, a large mirror is a terrific idea.

  • Light it up! Backlighting is a technique that can transform even the most basic mirror into a work of art. Some mirrors come with built-in lights, but if you don't want to spend a lot of money, you may make your own. Because these bathroom mirror ideas are the most effective for applying aesthetics, they are also the ideal option for restrooms with poor lighting.

  • Hang On To It. Instead of the standard mounting, why not try something a little different for your bathroom mirror ideas? While most mirrors are placed on the wall, there are a few more ways to mount a bathroom mirror. Suspend your bathroom mirror to see what happens. Alternatively, use a visible rope or wire to hang a bathroom mirror from a rope or wire that is visible. Take a look at various materials and decide which one you'd like to use to hang the mirror on the wall.

When it comes to bathroom design, there is an array of bathroom mirror ideas to pick from, including a wide range of fixtures and colors. Make sure you pay attention to mirrors because they are the cornerstones of good design and usability. A mirror may not only make everyday grooming easier, but it can also bring style and personality to a bathroom.

Installing a new mirror is also a lot easier than changing out a sink, toilet, or shower. A bathroom mirror can be used in conjunction with other elements of the room's decor to give it a more personal touch. It can also be more subtle, highlighting a feature such as the wallpaper or the sink. Our team will assist you in selecting the best bathroom mirror for you.

Contact Us!

To get the perfect mirror for your mirrored bathroom in Jacksonville, FL, call us! Your bathroom mirror is a vital part of the overall décor of your home. The team designers and installers are here to help you out. Visit us today to find out more.

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Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 9AM - 6PM
Address: 1100 Kings Rd, Jacksonville Florida 32203, USA