Level Up Your Bathroom, Get a Free Quote Now!

Our Clients Are Happy

Bathroom Remodel Portland OR

Jennifer F.

"This is the first time we remodeled our bathroom after living in this house for 15 years. Pushing through with the bathroom remodel was the best decision we have ever made. Our bathroom looks more open and spacious now."

Bathroom Remodel Portland OR

Jacob A.

"I found so many beautiful and stylish free-standing tubs in their showroom. It would have taken me ages to pick one if it weren’t for my designer. The best thing about their options was that they all were at better prices than those in major home improvement stores."

Bathroom Remodel Portland OR

Rachelle G.

"We are so thrilled with our new bathroom. The farmhouse style really complements our home’s theme."

Find Us Here

Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 9AM - 6PM
Address: 1100 Kings Rd, Jacksonville Florida 32203, USA