Frequently Asked Questions

Bathroom remodels in Florida, particularly in Jacksonville, can cost as little as $2,500 for partial renovations and $41,000 for more upscale remodels.

Professionals can complete a small bathroom remodel in 4 ½ weeks without any inconveniences.

Yes, especially if you do not plan to make structural changes, do electrical work, and change the existing layout.

Experts advise renovating a bathroom every 4 or 5 years. Renovating sooner is recommended when the fixtures are no longer working or when the safety of the users is compromised due to broken or outdated bathroom elements.

Homeowners can update their bathroom floors by installing floating floors such as waterproof vinyl flooring or placing decorative or anti-slip rugs over the tiles.

Find Us Here

Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 9AM - 6PM
Address: 1100 Kings Rd, Jacksonville Florida 32203, USA